Animal Kingdom (2010)
Directed by: David Michôd
In 1980s Melbourne, seventeen year-old J moves in with his grandmother and her brood of bank-robbing and homicidal sons, when his mother overdoses on heroin (J continues to watch a TV game show as the medics try to revive her).
The sexual relationships between grandma and her three sons are very confused, and this seems to have completely unhinged one of these, Pope, whose creepy offers of help as a confidant are almost more terrifying than his cold blooded murders.
Set against them are corrupt (and also murderous) cops, with J and a kindly cop (played by Guy Pearce) in the middle. But don’t expect redemption to emerge from from their alliance: the cop is not all that kindly, and J is not his grandmother’s offspring for nothing.
A little uneven, but quite compelling watching. Try to catch it.