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Posts tagged ‘Elliott Gould’

Contagion (2011)

Directed by: Steven Soderbergh

3 stars

A woman develops flu-like symptoms on her way back from the far east.  Within days, she is dead. Soon, people are dropping like flies, as the highly contagious disease moves from person to drinking glass to person to hand-rail and so on.  The Centres for Disease Control weigh in, as does the WHO and assorted independent medics (Elliott Gould as a rather sketched-in maverick doctor, flying the flag for the “rules are for other people” school of infectious disease control).  So do the cranks, represented by internet journo Alan “Don’t Believe Anything They Tell You” Krumwiede (Jude Law).  Within weeks we are dealing with mega-deaths, and the army is on the streets.  Can a vaccine be developed? Read more